
The EDEA-CICE Center arises from the development of the EDEA project and the EDEA-RENOV project, financed through the LIFE official announcement. Both projects were coordinated by the Council of Extremadura and awarded at the European level as the best environmental research projects.

The EDEA project, “Efficient Development of Eco-Architecture. Methods and Technologies for Public Social Housing Building in Extremadura “, allowed the development of a methodology of design and construction of social housing in Extremadura under sustainable criteria, with a better energy performance and use of new renewable energies, meanwhile ensuring the improvement of the quality in the building.

Its materialization was the construction of the two Experimental Demonstrators, consisting of two isolated single-family houses, identical, and comparable in real time, that comply with the Extremadura social housing typology.

The EDEA-RENOV project, “Efficient Development of Eco-Architecture: Renovation, Innovation, and CTI for Existing Social Housing Building in Extremadura”, allowed the realization of energy studies in neighborhoods, the application of energy rehabilitation technologies in existing social housing, and the testing of energy saving systems in the Experimental Demonstrators built during the EDEA project, all through renewal, innovation and ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies).